
時(shí)間:2022-04-14 18:27來源:大西北網(wǎng) 作者:甘肅省文物考古研 點(diǎn)擊: 載入中...
  2022年3月10日,復(fù)旦大學(xué)團(tuán)隊(duì)《frontier in genetics》(《基因研究前沿》)發(fā)布了《Sex-Biased Population Admixture Mediated Subsistence Strategy Transition of Heishuiguo People in Han Dynasty Hexi Corridor》譯《漢王朝河西走廊地區(qū)黑水國遺址人群的性別偏離的人口融合和生存策略的變更》,里面有31個(gè)中國古代DNA數(shù)據(jù),時(shí)間涵蓋公元前118-公元191年,非常驚人的事實(shí)顯示,這些古人的父系都是來自黃河流域的,母系則是當(dāng)?shù)赝林?,其中,父系類型與現(xiàn)代華北漢族人完全一致。
  對于早期的沙井文化,before the Han Dynasty, a claim supported by excavated relics and faunal remains from Shajing culture (2,900–2,100 cal yr BP) and Shanma culture (2,700–2,100 cal yr BP) sites. The importance of domesticated pig declined precipitously during this same period , while sheep/goat, cattle, horse, and camel emerged as the major domesticated animals along the Hexi Corridor。(譯:漢代之前,這一主張得到了出土文物和動(dòng)物群的支持,沙井文化(距今2900-2100年)和山馬文化(距今2700-2100 年)的遺址,家養(yǎng)豬的重要性下降了,同一時(shí)期,綿羊/山羊、牛、馬和駱駝成為主要的家養(yǎng)動(dòng)物。)
  漢代后,當(dāng)?shù)爻蔀檗r(nóng)業(yè)區(qū)域,During and after the Han Dynasty (202BCE–220 CE), however, agriculture developed rapidly to become the subsistence strategy in this region.(漢代和漢代后,無論如何,農(nóng)業(yè)飛速發(fā)展,并成為當(dāng)?shù)爻掷m(xù)的謀生策略)
  黑水國遺址中,農(nóng)業(yè)成為壓倒性優(yōu)勢的生產(chǎn)方式。This strongly suggested that an advanced agricultural technology became widespread in the Hexi Corridor during this period of time.Remains of chicken, pigs, dogs, sheep/goat, cattle, and horse identified at the Heishuiguo Han Dynasty tombs should be placed in this context. Chicken would emerge as the most commondomestic animal in this period, followed by pig(譯:這有力地表明,在這一時(shí)期,一種先進(jìn)的農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)在河西走廊得以擴(kuò)散。雞、豬、狗、羊、牛和馬的遺骸,在黑水國漢代墓葬被發(fā)現(xiàn),正是這種背景。雞成為了這一時(shí)期最常見的家畜,其次是豬。)
  Based on 14C dating, tomb morphology and grave good assemblages (Li, 2021), burials at Heishuiguo have been divided into four phases: Phase 1, during the middle Western Han Dynasty (118–49 BCE); Phase 2, during the late Western Han Dynasty (48 BCE–6CE); Phase 3, from the Wangmang Xin Dynasty through the early Eastern Han Dynasty (7–67 CE); and Phase 4, from the middle to the late Eastern Han Dynasty (67–191 CE)。(譯:基于碳14測年、墓葬形制、陪葬品組合,黑水國墓地可以劃分為四個(gè)階段:1、西漢王朝中期公元前118-公元前49年;2、西漢王朝晚期公元前48-公元6年前;3、王莽新朝和東漢王朝早期公元7年-公元67年;4、東漢王朝晚期67-191CE)
  本文樣本的年代,early han大致相當(dāng)于公元前118年-公元6年,late han大致相當(dāng)于公元7-191年。
  Haplogroups Oγ-IMSJST002611(26.7%), Oα-M117 (13.3%), and Oβ-F46(3.3%)represent three major founder paternal lineages and encompass more than 40% of the present-day Han Chinese (estimated 16% for Oα, 11% for Oβ,and 14% for Oγ)。These three lineages have been onsidered to be derived from Neolithic farmers in Yellow River Basin (Yan et al., 2014). The three haplogroups are also the most frequent among the Heishuiguo population, representing 43.3% of the total, similar to modern Han populations.(黑水河墓地的單倍型群Oγ-IMSJST002611(26.7%),Oα-M117(13.3%),Oβ-F46(3.3%)代表了三個(gè)主要的父系成分,占現(xiàn)代漢族人口的40%以上(其中Oα約占16%,Oβ約占11%,Oγ約占14%)。這三個(gè)血統(tǒng)被研究認(rèn)為來自黃河流域的新石器時(shí)代的農(nóng)民。這三個(gè)單倍型也是黑水國墓地中最常見的,占總數(shù)的43.3%,與現(xiàn)代漢族群體相似。)
  By way of interpopulation comparisons (PCA and Fst heatmap) with reference populations (e.g., Southern Han,Northern Han, Hui, Mongolic, and Tibetan), we have been able to show closer paternal genetic affinity with Northern Han and Hui populations among the groups at Heishuiguo.(譯:通過比較(PCA和Fst熱圖)與參考種群(例如,南方漢族,北方漢族、回族、蒙古族和藏族)的對比,我們可以看出,黑水國墓地人群,與北方漢族和hui顯示出更緊密的父系遺傳親緣關(guān)系。)
  On the maternal side, the three Heishuiguo populations are tightly congregated, mirroring genetic continuity from the Early Han to Late Han. Meanwhile, the Heishuiguo population maps out close to Mongolian-speaking (e.g.Buryat) and Northwestern Han (e.g., Ningxia Han) populations, which indicates an indigenous maternal origin.(在母系方面,三個(gè)黑水國墓地人群緊密相連聚集,反映了漢初至漢末母系人口是連續(xù)的。與此同時(shí),黑水國的位置接近講蒙古語(例如布里亞特)和西北漢族人口,這表明母系的起源,是土著人口)
  史記記載了西漢王朝將中原移民遷移至此,而當(dāng)?shù)爻鐾恋腂amboo Slips (簡牘)則記載,移民來自以下具體的21個(gè)郡:these male immigrants in 21 counties from the Middle and Lower Yellow River (Hongnong 弘農(nóng)郡, He’nei 河內(nèi)郡, Langya瑯邪郡, Changyi 昌邑國,Pinggan State平干國, Dahe 大河郡, Chenliu 陳留郡, Runan汝南郡, Julu 巨鹿郡, Yingchuan 潁川郡, Shangdang 上黨郡,Henan河南郡, Jiyin濟(jì)陰郡, Nanyang南陽郡, Hedong河?xùn)|郡,Zhao State趙國, Dong 東郡, Liang State梁國, Zhangye張掖郡,Huaiyang淮陽郡, and Wei魏郡)
  This is in accordance with historical records , where major migration events were often male-dominated migratory and frequently involved migration for garrison building, political migration, and migration of minority groups. Young males were usually the ones building garrisons, and most couldn’t bring their families outside of small local garrisons(譯:這與歷史記載是相符的,重大移民事件通常以男性為主,經(jīng)常參與遷徙的是駐軍移民、政治移民和少量移民。通常是由年輕男性建筑工事,他們中的大多數(shù)人不能把家人帶到當(dāng)?shù)兀?br />

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