
時(shí)間:2022-04-12 13:21來源:大西北網(wǎng) 作者:甘肅省文物局 點(diǎn)擊: 載入中...

  Rewi Alley with a fragment of a large sculptured Bodhisattva s face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 路易艾黎查看殘菩薩頭像
  此系列照片是李約瑟博士在西北旅途中參觀嘉峪關(guān)、千佛洞和敦煌時(shí)所拍攝的。由于卡車在旅行途中壞了,需要更換新的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),李約瑟博士和他的同伴為此被迫在千佛洞的寺廟中呆了接近一個(gè)月。陪同他的有中英科學(xué)合作館的黃興宗, ,路易-艾黎 Rewi Alley (1897-1987),孫光俊和王萬盛, 來自蘭州培黎學(xué)校的兩個(gè)男孩, 畫家吳作人 (1908-1997),卡車司機(jī)鄺威和來自蘭州的機(jī)械師余德新。在那里他還遇到了中央通訊社的攝影師羅寄梅和他的妻子羅芳和居住在那里的一些藏傳佛教的僧人。盡管李約瑟博士沒有攜帶閃光燈,他還是拍攝了綠洲及周圍的許多照片,還有洞外的一些照片。
  李約瑟(Joseph Needham,1900 年 12 月 9 日—1995 年 3 月 25 日),出生于英國倫敦,生物化學(xué)和科學(xué)史學(xué)家,美國國家科學(xué)院外籍院士,中國科學(xué)院外籍院士,劍橋大學(xué)李約瑟研究所首任所長。
  View of front entrance to Djiayukuan(Jiayuguan) 嘉峪關(guān), the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu

  Looking out under the main gate of Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu 
  View of a corner tower at Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu
  ]View of corner tower looking along the top of the wall at Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu]
  View of a small temple at Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu
  Temple entrance with inscription plaques at Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu
  Rewi Alley standing by a 2-story traditional building at Djiayukuan, the Ming dynasty fort at the western end of the Great Wall, Kansu
  A camel train on the road between Laochunmiao and Yumen, Kansu
  The SBSCO / Sino-British Science Co-operation Office truck broken down in the Gobi Desert, with Rewi Alley, the driver Kuang Wei and Wu Tso-Rjen, on the road between Laochunmiao and Yumen, Kansu
  Temple guesthouse at Yumen, Kansu
  Han dynasty beacon towers on the road to Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌城東12公里處五墩
  Traditional town wall and gate with a tower, including an inscription on the wall about serving Chiang Kai-shek to revive the Chinese people, at Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌縣城門
  View looking down a narrow street with a man in a long gown and other people walking under a line of trees under the city wall at Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌縣城內(nèi)大街
  Street scene looking down to a pai lou between huge trees at Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌縣城內(nèi)大街
  Street scene at Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌縣城內(nèi)大街
  An old man selling melons at Tunhuang, Kansu 賣哈密瓜的瓜農(nóng)
  Wu Tso-Rjen buying fruit, talking to a group of boys in Tunhuang, Kansu 購買吊蛋的吳作人 
  View looking East from the Nine-Storey Pavillion out across the desert to the San Wei Shan mountains at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上東望三危山
  View looking North along the cave cliff from the Nine Storey Pavillion at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上北望窟前
  View from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上望窟前上,中寺
  View looking East from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert to the San Wei Shan mountains at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上東望三危山 窟前
  View looking North from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上北望窟前園林
  View View looking East from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert to the San Wei Shan mountains at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上東望三危山、窟前
  View looking North from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上北望窟前圓林

  View from the Nine-Storey Pavillion down to the oasis and out across the desert at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上望窟前上寺、中寺及大泉河?xùn)|岸
  View from the Nine-Storey Pavillion out across the desert at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟九層樓上望窟前大泉河?xùn)|岸、三危山
  Partial view of the façade of the Nine-Storey Pavillion housing the huge Tang dynasty Buddha at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟中寺院內(nèi)望九層樓

  View looking from afar across the Da Quan He riverbed and trees of the oasis of the façade of the Nine-Storey Pavillion at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟中寺院內(nèi)望九層樓
  View across the Da Quan He riverbed of the oasis and the southern section of the cave cliff at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從大泉河?xùn)|岸望窟區(qū)南段 
  General view from ground level of the northern section of the cave cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟北區(qū)洞窟 
  Closer view of the northern section of the cave cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟北區(qū)殘窟
  View of the northern section of the cave cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟北區(qū)洞窟
  View of the north part of the southern section of the cave cliff face across the riverbed, partially obscured by trees, at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟南區(qū)洞窟北端
  View from among the oasis fields of a part of the cave cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟南北區(qū)交界處洞窟

  Ruined stupa in the oasis at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟前舍利塔(已毀) 


  View of cave 259 through shady leaves at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第259窟殘景和窟前積沙

  View of cave 249 and others in the southern section shaded by trees at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第249窟及以南洞窟和窟前積沙

  Closer view of caves 249, 250 and 251 shaded by trees at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第249, 250, 251 窟殘景及下層洞窟 
  View along the bottom of the cave cliff face to to the Nine-Storey Pavillion at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟九層樓及以北洞窟殘景

  View up a rivulet to the Nine-Storey Pavillion at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟九層樓及窟前水溝 
  View down the northern section of the cave cliff face from opposite the Nine-Storey Pavillion at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟九層樓以北洞窟殘景 
  Looking up from below at caves in the cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟洞窟殘景
  View of cave 130 and along the northern section of the cave cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第130窟以北洞窟
  Detail of a mural in cave 150 of a Daoist martial god with a sword, and hands coming from the eyes, at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第150窟前室畫道教神將
  Looking along the southern section of the cave cliffs from in front of Cave 138 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第138窟前及以南洞窟景象 
  Looking out across the oasis to the desert and San Wei Shan mountains at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟前望三危山
  Detail of the damaged cliff face at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 殘破壁畫
  Detail of a mural with four Bodhisattvas with haloes on the south wall of the mid level of cave 130 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第莫高窟第130窟中層,甬道南壁菩薩像 
  Detail of a mural on the south wall, east corner, of cave 103 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第第103窟南壁東側(cè)觀經(jīng)變之未生怨壁畫
  Detail of a damaged mural at Cave 41 (Zhang Daqian s numbering) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟張大千編號(hào)第41窟
  View looking up at cave 243 (P.094) with a Bodhisattva with three attendants and murals on the walls and ceilings at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第243窟 
  A mural, partly worn off, in cave 85 (P.092) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第85窟 前室西壁北側(cè)壁畫 

  View looking up at the exterior of cave 266 showing murals on the walls and ceiling, and one Bodhisattva figure, at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第266窟外景
  Detail of a mural in cave 285 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第285窟西披壁畫
  Close-up detail of a mural in cave 285 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第285窟東披壁畫
  Female torso and head in an alcove on the cliff face (caves 273-275) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第273-275窟段外景
  Female torso and head in an alcove on the cliff face (caves 266-275) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第266-275窟段外景
  Female torso and head in an alcove on the cliff face (caves 272-274) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第272-274窟段外景

  Female torso and head in an alcove on the cliff face (caves 268-274) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第268-274窟段外景
  Bodhisattva figure to the side of cave 412 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第412窟外景
  Close up of the top half of a sculpture of a Tang dynasty abbot with black halo at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟 (未確定) 弟子塑像 (可能已無存)
  Statues of a Heavenly King (Vajra) and Bodhisattva in cave 194 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第194窟中心佛壇上天王, 菩薩像 

  Mural depicting people carrying offerings in cave 196 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第196窟甬道南壁供養(yǎng)人像 
  Wei dynasty figurines in cave 422 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第422窟西壁佛龕內(nèi)北側(cè)塑像
  Song dynasty Bodhisattva in cave 415 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第415窟西壁佛龕內(nèi)佛像
  Tang dynasty Heavenly King (Vajra) in cave 415 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第415窟, 西壁佛龕內(nèi)北側(cè)天王像
  Large Tang dynasty Bodhisattva, with with someone standing at its base to show its size, outside cave 412 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第412窟前室西壁菩薩像 
  Looking along the northern section of the cave cliff outside cave 138, with cave rafters propped up by wooden pillars, at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從莫高窟第138窟前及以北洞窟 
  The entrance to cave 142 with an external mural at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第142窟前室
  Mural of a Heavenly King (Vajra) with arms emerging from the eyes at the entrance to cave 138 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第138窟外北壁天王像

   Figurines at cave 458-459 (P.118P-118Q) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第458-459窟

  Figurines at cave 442, 441, 440 (P.120S-120U) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第 442, 441, 440 窟 
  External view of damaged caves damaged caves 417, 416, 415 (P.136h, 136i,136j) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第417, 416, 415窟 
  Looking up at caves 417, 416 (P.136h-136i) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第417, 416窟
  Large mural of a Heavenly King (Vajra) on the southern wall at the entrance to cave 12 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第12窟前室南壁天王像
  Large mural of a Heavenly King (Vajra) on the northern wall at the entrance to cave 12 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第12窟前室北壁天王像
  Mural at the entrance to cave 157 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟張編157窟
  Wei dynasty figurines in cave 259 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第259窟西壁佛龕及塑像 
  Wei dynasty figurine in cave 254 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第254窟中心柱及龕內(nèi)塑像
  Bodhisattva and murals at cave 415 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第415窟西壁佛龕內(nèi)佛像
  The cave cliff, possibly caves 449-454, viewed through trees in the morning at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第449-454 窟段 (未確定)
  Ladders up to and inside caves 249 and 251 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第249, 251窟
   View of a Tang dynasty balcony looking along cave section 231 to 244 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第231窟至244窟段 
  Tang dynasty wooden balcony at caves 231- 236 at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟第231-236 窟及上層第233窟 
  Wang Wan-sheng, a boy from the Lanchow Bailie School, washing clothes in a stream at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 王萬盛莫高窟大泉河畔晾衣
  Rewi Alley, Sun Kuang-chun and Wang Wan-sheng, two boys from the Lanchow Bailie School, in in the courtyard of the Middle Monastary at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟中寺前院 (敦煌藝術(shù)研究所辦公地)
  View of the Middle Monastary where Joseph Needham and his companions lodged at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟中寺前院正殿 (敦煌藝術(shù)研究所辦公地)
  Political slogans painted on the walls of the Sanqing Hall (Lower Temple) at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟三清宮 (下寺) 外景觀 
  View of the oasis and cave cliff from across the riverbed at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從大泉河?xùn)|岸望窟區(qū)舍利塔、千相塔及窟區(qū) 
  Three stupas on the eastern bank of the Da Quan He river at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 大泉河?xùn)|岸舍利塔 
  The grave and stupa of the Daoist monk Wang Yuanlu 王圓籙 on the eastern bank of the Da Quan He river at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 大泉河?xùn)|岸王圓箓道士塔 
  View across the desert to the San Wei Shan mountains showing the five Han dynasty beacons on a ridge to the right at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟大泉河?xùn)|岸及三危山
  A view from some distance across the desert of the oasis of Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從三危山前望莫高窟 
  Five Han dynasty beacons among the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 三危山西端山上五個(gè)墩臺(tái)
  Joseph Needham standing next to one of the five Han dynasty beacons in the desert among the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 三危山西端山上五個(gè)墩臺(tái)
  A Han dynasty fort and Tang dynasty stupa tomb Cheng Cheng Wan (Completed Fortress Bend) on the west bank of Da Quan He River in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 大泉河西岸成城灣 (南望)
  The Da Quan He river cutting through the San Wei Shan mountains at Cheng Cheng Wan (Completed Fortress Bend) near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從成城灣北望大泉河河谷 
  Rewi Alley standing next to the Tang dynasty stupa at Cheng Cheng Wan in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 成城灣華塔 
  Detail of the Tang dynasty stupa at Cheng Cheng Wan in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 成城灣華塔

  The Tang dynasty stupa at Cheng Cheng Wan in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 成城灣華塔 
  Han dynasty fort at Cheng Cheng Wan in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 成城灣華塔旁土圍墻
  Sun Kuang-chun, a boy from the Lanchow Bailie School, holding a Han dynasty brick at a Han dynasty fort near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 孫光俊手持模制花磚 
  A view of Cheng Cheng Wan bend in the San Wei Shan mountains, with the Han dynasty fort below and beacons on top, near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 成城灣旁大泉河河谷
  Stupa below the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 三危山下舍利塔
  Votive offerings (Ts a-ts a) in the shape of a round stupa found in the Stupa tomb below the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 三危山下舍利塔內(nèi)出土擦擦
    Rewi Alley and Sun Kuang-chun, a boy from the Lanchow Bailie School, holding a Han dynasty brick at a stupa in the San Wei Shan mountains near Chienfotung, Tunhuang 路易艾黎和孫光俊持舍利塔出土模制花磚
  A view from among the San Wei Shan mountains of Chienfotung, Tunhuang 從三危山遠(yuǎn)眺莫高窟 
  Sun Kuang-chun and Wang Wansheng driving a donkey in the oasis at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 孫光俊和王萬盛在莫高窟九層樓附近
  A decaying shoe, foot and hand excavated at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 莫高窟北區(qū)出土將軍手, 公主腳
  Lo Fang, the wife of Central Press Agency photographer Lo Chi-Mei, on a horse outside the Middle Monastary, with Yi Lama and a policeman in the background, at Chienfotung, Tunhuang 羅芳在莫高窟中寺外騎馬
  Partial view of the temple complex at Yue Ya Quan near Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌月牙泉景觀
  Partial view of the temple complex at Yue Ya Quan near Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌月牙泉景觀
  Ornate roof of a temple building at Yue Ya Quan near Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌月牙泉大殿
  Daoist sculptures in the main temple hall at Yue Ya Quan near Tunhuang, Kansu 敦煌月牙泉大殿內(nèi)神像

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  • 敦煌小鎮(zhèn)鳴沙書院:豐富文旅業(yè)態(tài)弘揚(yáng)敦煌文化
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  • 深藏在敦煌壁畫中的“絕世武功”
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