
時間:2016-03-25 15:36來源:大西北網(wǎng) 作者: 點擊: 載入中...
  大西北網(wǎng)訊  甘肅豪斯建筑裝飾股份有限公司由成立于1995年12月的蘭州豪斯設計裝飾有限責任公司改制設立。公司具備建筑裝飾裝修一級資質(zhì)、建筑裝飾工程設計甲級資質(zhì) 等多項資質(zhì),于2003年通過ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系認證、GB/T28001職業(yè)健康安全管理體系認證、ISO14001環(huán)境管理體系認證和施工企 業(yè)質(zhì)量管理認證,是中國建筑裝飾協(xié)會AAA信用等級企業(yè)、甘肅建筑裝飾協(xié)會誠信企業(yè)、甘肅省工商局重合同守信用企業(yè)、中國建筑裝飾協(xié)會理事單位、甘肅省建 筑裝飾協(xié)會副會長單位。公司現(xiàn)已成為集設計、裝修、幕墻、材料為一體的建筑裝飾裝修綜合服務商,下設納嘉建筑設計(上海)有限公司、志信節(jié)能環(huán)保建材有限 公司、敦煌文保有限公司等控股子公司,以及西安、銀川、廈門、河北、四川、云南等分公司。


     公司承建的“天慶國際商務大廈外立面裝飾”、“中核四O四廣場假日酒店”、“白銀統(tǒng)辦1#樓幕墻工程”、“天慶國際大酒店幕墻工程”等工程先后獲得全國建筑 工程裝飾獎,“酒泉航天飯店室內(nèi)裝飾工程”等多項工程先后獲得甘肅省建筑裝飾工程飛天獎。同時,在成長、發(fā)展過程中,公司培養(yǎng)了一大批技術(shù)和管理優(yōu)秀人 才,多人次先后獲得“全國杰出中青年室內(nèi)建筑師”、“高級室內(nèi)設計師”、“全國建筑裝飾行業(yè)優(yōu)秀企業(yè)家”、“中國建筑裝飾三十年優(yōu)秀企業(yè)家”等稱號,擁有 德才兼?zhèn)涞墓芾韴F隊。

     近年來,公司積極與國際建筑設計單位開展交流合作,先后與加拿大NEUF ARCHITECT(E)S設計事務所、Bouthillettr Parizeall暖通設計公司、拉薩爾設計學院進行了溝通交流,并與加拿大知名建筑設計公司——美唐建筑(Sentiment Architects)設計事務所簽訂了合作協(xié)議。公司與美唐建筑設計事務所在建筑設計、室內(nèi)設計、燈光設計、規(guī)劃設計等方面實現(xiàn)全方位合作,豪斯裝飾將 帶給大家國際的先進設計理念與本土文化完美結(jié)合的佳作。



  Introduction of House decoration company

  Gansu House Construction Decoration Co., LTD. was established by restructuring of Lanzhou House Design Decoration Ltd. which was founded in 1995.

  Company has a number of qualifications including National construction decoration engineering contractor Class One、 National construction decoration engineering design Class A and so on. Meanwhile, company has  ISO9001 quality management system certification, GB/T28001 occupational health and safety management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and the construction enterprise quality management certification. Company is AAA credit grade enterprise honored by China Building Decoration Association, Credit enterprise of Gansu building decoration association, observing contracts and keeping promise enterprise affirmed by Gansu province Administration for industry and commerce, syndic company of China Building Decoration Association, vice president company of Gansu Building Decoration Association.

  Company has now developed as a decoration service collection providers mainly for architecture design, interior decoration, curtain wall, green building materials etc. Company has established Na+ Architectural Design (Shanghai) co., LTD., Zhixin energy conservation and environmental protection building materials co., LTD., Dunhuang Heritage Conservation co., LTD., and other subsidiary, meanwhile, has  Xi 'an, Yinchuan, Xiamen, Hebei, Sichuan, Yunnan Branch etc.

  Over the past 20 years, House Decoration always takes “to achieve success together with partners” as Business Philosophy, takes  "to create greater value for customers, more opportunities for  partner, seek benefits for employees, provide feedback to shareholders" as company mission. Company already attained good operating performance relying on the perfect management system, advanced design concepts and high-quality staff team.

  In recent years, Company actively carry out communication and cooperation with international architectural design units, such as NEUF ARCHITECT (E) S design firm, Bouthillettr Parizeall HVAC design company, LaSalle Design College in Canada. And company signed a cooperation Agreement with famous Sentiment Architects design firm in Canada, to realize all-round cooperation mainly focusing on Architectural design, Interior design, Lighting design, Planning and design, etc. House Decoration will perform excellent products perfectly combined international advanced design concepts and native culture.

  "Three thousand Kilometer Silk Road, Eight thousand years Chinese civilization", Relying on the implementation of the national development strategy of "One Belt and One Road" , Lanzhou will have   more development opportunities once again as key town on the old Silk Road, House Decoration will also create brilliant achievements depending on such development strategy.

  • 甘肅豪斯公司組織架構(gòu)
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